Sunday, July 15, 2012

Metaphor For An Old Love

Here is the metaphor I am working on to truly give up on a love relationship that has held my attention for way too long. Decades, actually. Embarrassing. My Old Chair I remember the very first time I laid eyes on you. You were the perfect chair for me in every way. I knew you belonged in my house and when I tried you out in the store, I knew we were a perfect fit. We were meant for each other! It took me a long time to save up the money for you and all the while it also seemed that stores no longer carried you, when out of the blue, BAM! There you were. I would have paid any price. I brought you home, ecstatic.. You seemed to fit right in; I loved sinking into your cuddly self, admiring you from afar, and showing you off to my friends. Every so often, I would see a flash that you weren't as perfect for me as I thought. Your construction seemed not quite worthy of the price I had paid and sometimes others would gently comment that you weren't all that comfortable to sit in but I still held on to the overall belief that you were the best chair in town, if not the world. Gradually, things went south. Your springs popped through and poked me and you seemed to lose your luster. I decided to move you into the guest bedroom but would every so often feel nostalgic and drag you out to be cleaned, re-arranged, or re-upholstered. Finally, I am now coming to grips with knowing that this old chair has got to go! Who needs to hang on to something unattractive, uncomfortable, and that no longer fits me? I thought about giving you away but can't identify any takers off-hand to its off to the landfill. Perhaps someone will pull you out as a keeper, but that won't be me.